Fall 2011
Holy Water and Human Rights
Indigenous Peoples' Religious Rights Claims to Water Resources
Rhett B. Larson
Pretextual Takings and Exclusionary Zoning
Different Means to the Same Parochial End
David L. Schwed
The Devolution of Conservation
Why Cities Must Embrace Community-Based Resource Management
Stefan Carpenter
The Waiting Game Stinks
The Lack of EPA Progress in Regulating Air Emissions from Animal Agriculture
Michelle Buckley
Striking it Rich in Northern Arizona
The On-Again/Off-Again Battle of Preserving the Grand Canyon and Mining for Uranium
Ashley Zimmerman
Spring 2012
Moving Beyond the Industrial Organic Food Movement
Rethinking Organic Food Regulations
Sheila Gholkar
Quenching the Thirst of a Nation
Returning Water to the Navajo People
Carol Lamoureux
Running Wild
The Bureau of Land Management & America’s Wild Horses
Alexandra Felchlin
A Nation Fractured
Drilling into the Debate Over Fracking
NEPA Express
A Need for Sustainable Streamlining for Transportation Projects Without Undermining Environmental Review
Brian Tedder
We the People
Differing Approaches to Engaging the Citizenry in Combating Non-Native Species
John M. Gregory
The Environmental Consequences of Plan Columbia
Daniel Graham
The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility
Parameter Insurance Payouts Without Proper Parameters
Laren Brooks
Consumer Liability for Harms Linked to Purchases
Nathan Ostrander
Coloring Outside the Lines
Christo’s “Over The River” and the BLM’s Visual Resources Contrast Rating System
Caylin J. Goldbey Barter
No Green Deed Goes Unpunished
Oksana P. Holder
Drink Beer, Conserve Water
Heather Coe-Smith
Writ of Man-Dangerous
Herbicide 2,4-D and the EPA’s Failure to Act
Katherine Pischer