Fall 2012
Dust in the Wind
Arizona Dust Storms and the Exceptional Events Rule
Christopher Boutillier
Sewers & Suers
The Town of Marana’s Fight with Pima County over Municipal Growth
Bobby Yu
Japan's Shift Toward Renewable Energy in Response to the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Meltdown
Daxin Li
Not Your Father's Mine
The Rosemont Copper Mine and Dry Stack Tailings
Nikos Valance
How, Why, and When the U.S. Supreme Court Supports Nuclear Power
Sheldon L. Trubatch
The EPA's Proposed Cafo Information Disclosure Rules and their Potential to Improve Water Quality
Christopher R. Brown
GMO Labeling
California’s Proposition 37 and Federal Constitutional Implications
Matthew Bracken
Light Pollution in Central and Southern Arizona
A Runaway Problem with and Achievable Solution
Alla Goldman
Water Does Mix with Oil
Texans’ New Ability to Own Groundwater
Christopher M. Gast
Spring 2013
The Sinking Nation of Kiribati
The Lonely Stand Against Statelessness and Displacement from Rising Oceans
Bobby Yu
Cleaning Up Someone Else's Meth
Seeking Protection for Innocent Homebuyers Outside of Property Law
Dillon J. Steadman
Best Laid Plans
Corporate Social Responsibility Often Goes Awry
Jason Brandenberger
From Comity to Comedy
The Ninth Circuit’s Blankey Injunction on the Sea Shepherd’s Southern Ocean Activities may be Laughing in the Face of Established International Law
Benjamin Nucci
Are State Watercraft Inspections Constitutionally Permissible Searches?
Emi Kondo, Paula Cotter, & Stephanie Showalter Otts
National Parks on the Decline?
Nicole Riley
Privacy Issues Surrounding the Tracking and Sharing of Boat Movement as Part of Invasive Species Prevention Programs
Nicole Giffin
Assessing the Viability of Zebra and Quagga Mussels
Legal and Enforcement Challenges
Terra H. Bowling
Legislative and Regulatory Efforts to Minimize Expansion of Invasive Mussels Through Watercraft Movements
Nathan Ostrander
Preventing the Spread of Zebra and Quagga Mussels
The Role of the Lacey Act
Rachel White
Environmental Tax Policy in the United States
A “Bit” of History
Mona L. Hymel