Fall 2013
Arizona v. California
Its Meaning and Significance for the Colorado River
Lawrence J. MacDonnell
A Smashing Victory?
Was Arizona v. California a Victory for the State of Arizona?
Robert Glennon & Jacob Kavkewitz
Jamming the Square Peg through the Round Hole
EPA’s Options for Implementing Efficient Climate Change Regulation Under the Clean Air Act
Jacob Kavkewitz
Ecosystem Service Tradeoff Analysis
Quantifying the Cost of a Legal Regime
Kristin Carden, Crow White, Steven D. Gaines, Christopher Costello, & Sarah Anderson
Stuck in Neutral
Why Policies Favoring Zero-Emission Vehicles May Not Take Us Forward
Seth Grossman
Spring 2014
Unintended Consequences
The Environmental Impact of Border Fencing and Immigration Reform
Patrick Doyle
Net Metering
Do Non-Solar Homeowners and Utility Companies have a Legitimate Gripe?
Kevin Karges
Should the Great Susnshine State of Arizona Do More to Protect Solar Rights?
Alyssa McCutcheon
Philadelphia Stormwater Collection
A Grassroots Approach to Improving Water Quality
Allison L. Rothgeb
Colorado H.B. 14-1026
Model Legislation or a Trojan Horse?
Ian Ferrell
Will the Ominous Clouds Looming on the Horizon Cast a Restrictive Shadow Over the Growth of Solar Power in the United States?
Paul Gute
The Clash Between Public Opinion and Wildlife Science in the Catalina Bighorn Sheep Reintroduction Project
Peter Haynes
Adaptive Management in the Grand Canyon
Towards a More Sustainable Approach
Nathan D. Schott
Arizona v. California & the Colorado River Compact
Fifty Years Ago, Fifty Years Ahead
Jason A. Robinson
Environmental Information Policy and Secrets About Jaguars
Why Trusting Arizona Tribes is the Best Strategy for Jaguar Protection
Kevin R. Kemper